Nov 02, 2001 11:39 PM
(Updated Nov 02, 2001 11:45 PM)
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My oldest daughter has been a gymnast since she was 6 years old. She was in competition levels until last year when she ripped her achilles tendon for the second time, at which her coach recommended she retire from competition.
Gymnastics is an excellent sport for young boys and girls. You will gain muscle and tone your body overall. You will also become quite flexible if you stick with the program and visit the gym several times a week (competition gymnastics). Gymnastics for girls include the following events: Floor, Vault, Bars and Balance Beam.
First of all lets start with Recreational gymnastics. If you are looking for something fun and exciting for your child to do, this is a good choice of sports. Not only will your child's body become toned and conditioned but he/she will also learn certain disciplines. Classes for Recreational gymnastics usually meets once a week and include beginning tumbling skills. Gymnastics is an art, and not all children will excel but will certainly benefit from the exercise (and it is fun too!).
If you happen to have a child that is exceptional at the sport, the coach may recommend Competition Gymnastics. These classes meet anywhere from 1 - 5 times per week, depending on the level. Competition gymnastics starts with beginning level at Level 2. Starting Level 2, your child will notice that it is not only learning new skills but a lot of conditioning work! He/she may complain of being sore, or blisters on hands from bar work. It will take a few weeks for the body to adjust but if your child is truly committed and gifted they will not mind this aspect at all! Each child must compete in each Level and test out of it to advance to the next Level. At this point your child will be learning routines. This is quite an exercise for not just the body, but the mind also. Have you ever thought of remembering your next move during a fast-paced exercise event? This takes mind control and discipline to block out all other things around you for total concentration on your routine.
This is just a little general information on gymnastics. It is a very taxing sport on the body, both physically and mentally. It can also be just as rewarding! I encourage everyone to let their children try this sport if it is of interest to them. I was very glad my daughter was ''in the gym'' after school during her teenage years instead of hanging around the neighborhood! My daughter is now coaching competition gymnastics at a local gym club. Good luck to all the future gymnasts out there, we will be looking for you at the Olympics one day!