Dec 31, 2015 01:20 PM
Google Play store is very useful now a days.
Every one who uses Android phone must use it. It's having lots of application - many games, many useful application about disease, treatments, medicines, knowledge, maps,
food recipes, cultures, astrology, Songs, Movies, books, everything, just download and use it.
You can connet your gmail account to google play and than download any application like cab rides, grocery applications, coupons vopuchers application everything there. Just go and explore yourself. It is just like Treasure box.
All above that I mention, most of about 90% all are at free cost. I have learn many new songs on Piano from Paino application downloaded free from Google Play store only.
Now a days there are mostly all grocery, shopping, rides application even IRCTC, Bookmyshow. Just download, there are many offers going that we can avail only on application. That's why Google play store plays important role now a days in our life. Safe and time money saving.