Aug 22, 2024 10:13 PM
(Updated Aug 26, 2024 07:57 PM)
Any bike or two-wheeler working on a petrol ignition system. Due to combustion of fuel high heat is generated. so always check the engine cooling system. coolant fluid is proper or not. Top up proper coolant and engine oil if it shows down level.
Always keep your speed between 45 to 60 mph. Due to this proper combustion of your fuel is done. and your bike gives higher mileage.
The tire air pressure is checked fortnightly.
The vehicle servicing is to be done according to the km run by the vehicle.
All systems like the front light, backlight, brake light, side indicator, and both brakes will be checked before moving the bike anywhere.
change the engine oil on each 3000 km.
If you follow these rules your bike gives you long-life riding enjoyment.