Jan 06, 2012 12:29 PM
(Updated Jan 30, 2013 04:52 PM)
I own a Cheveorlet Spark which I bought 3 and 1/2 years back from Auto Vikas
Around over a month back my Engine Light on dashboard came up and took my car for checkup at Auto Vikas Dwarka where they are having a Free checkup camp going on the service advisor told me that there is blockage in my radiator that's why the light has been lid up and that need replacement or cleaning.
When I insisted that the car is just 3 years old how the radiator got blocked and why it was not came in to notice during my regular services then they asked if my car is getting heat up, I said no then they said that I can keep on driving the car. And somehow from next day the light went off itself.
Now my car is over 3 years old and run 44000 km the warranty is over and first paid service was due.
The light again lit up 15 days back and I took the car to Auto Vikas Dwarka again and the car got stopped at the service center gate they towed the car into service bay and then it got start itself.
Now they took my car for service all was agreed to get almost every preventive repairs they suggested (throttle cleaning, engine oil change, breaks overhaul, air filter , coolant etc..) and the estimate I got of Rs 8500/-
And that time they attached an comutarized scanner to my car to know about engine light and found that some Cam sensor is not responding and need replacement but the sensor was not in stock and they told me that they will call me once it will be available in 2-3 days.
After I left the car with them for service and I got call in after noon that the rear break cylinders needs replacement and cost Rs 3000 I had no choice but to give them go ahead. when I went to collect the car and saw the bill the cylinder cost was only 1511/- and the labour charges were Rs 1250/- whereas the charges for overhauling of rear break is only Rs 350/- when I asked them about it they failed to justify that and said it is fix charges.
So after three year of free service they coverup all the charges by their non required part replacement and hefty service charge.
I would be satisfied if after paying Rs 8000/- I got peace of mind the very next day I observed the RPM of engine is very high I again took car to service center and then they got it tuned so they delivered the car after service without even checking or taking test drive.
The car was services on last 19 Jan 2013 and the Cam sensor which was suppose to came in stock in 2-3 days no news on same till date.
Also since yesterday I am finding problem with pickup and engine power but now have no trust in Auto Vikas that the car which was running fine before service started giving many problems since after.
I am sure Chevy don't care about such practice by their authorized service center as they also believe in numbers who cares about customers?