Jun 03, 2018 07:38 AM
(via Android App)
(Updated Jun 03, 2018 07:33 AM)
I'm using Fogg Royal perfume and this is perfect in all things, like perfect smell, no extra strong smell. It gives me a perfect smell for my passion. I have been using Fogg series since 2 years. This perfume never feel me bad. This is awesome perfume. The fragrance of Fogg perfumes are so good and long lasting. If you want to go party and you haven't much time for be ready then just spray 2 times Fogg perfume on your body and it gives you all day fragrance.The small mistakes of Fogg perfume is it's spary spot collect on shirt and never clean. So if you have white shirt and you never want to make it dirty so please don't use Fogg perfume on it because it makes your shirt dirty.But in the matter of fragrance and durability any perfume can't beat Fogg perfume.Thank you !