Nov 07, 2016 12:15 AM
Dear Friends,
I think its one of the most premium quality deodorant available in the the market because its fragrance is so magical and attractive for anyone you are surrounded by.
I once went to a party wearing thie deo drant and there I found out that a girl was constantly trying to be close from me and I started a conversation with here and in that night nearly 7 times she complemented me that I smell very nice and she wants to date me.
So I said to her okay and it was one of the most surprising experiences of my life which I am amazed to see.
A good deodorant should smell nice, be non allergic and also make others feel comfortable around you. Whether you are in a party or in a concert or your family occasion it makes you lead and win in all the games. I would highly recommend it to anyone who does not want to waste money on so many deos available in the market out there with no quality and come with a lot of cheap ingredients which result in us getting allergies and the cost to doctors is much more higher so I think its better and sensible to go for this deodorant to avoid all those scenario.
Anyhow when we are studying or in our early age and are short on budget then all we want is a quick cheap solution which fits our pocket. Fogg deodorant has all good benefits in an economical price therefore it is of the utmost importance that all of the people in similar age must switch to use this.
Fogg comes in a lot of fragrances so this deodorant is never boring. If you are bored of one fragrance or smell then no worries or problems since you can always switch to the the other fragrance and you have a big variety to choose from.
Finally I would like to highlight the main feature of this deodorant. The soothing elements in this spray are not found in most of the sprays out there in the market. Deodrant is mostly used in hot climates and it gives you an amazing conditioning effect that you will be forced to purchase it and use for the life time. Try it and tell me how did it go I think you are surely not going to be disappointed. I wish you a good luck with Fogg deo and all your goals behind it ?
And one good quote you can always remember, try and try never surrender, after a june there is always another november. This was mainly used for college exams where you could take retakes to improve your grades and here the story is the same. Fogg will not do magics in achieving your goal however it will make them drive in the correct channel at least to give your career a nice boost. ? Thank you for reading my review. Best regards. A satisfied Fogg customer.