Hi friends this is khaled from Hyderabad.today I am going to review about fly dubai airline which I use it very often to fly between dubai and dammam.
5 days back I was in dubai and had to travell to dammam urgently for emergency.i booked a filght and arrived at airport 2 hours before flight time and there was no sign of check in process.
The flight was delayed by 2 hours due to some technical problems in aircraft.
Any how we boarded the flight and reached dammam 5 hours more than the scheduled timings.so I missed my business meeting and I had to face all thr losses by my self.
The flight staff was not cooperating in letting us know whats the reason for flight delay.
The seating was ok but staff was very rude.
Over all I can say that fly bubai airline had let me down and even let my business down by not flying on time as scheduled.