Oct 04, 2018 01:14 AM
Hi everyone
I have been a regular customer to Firstcry, since we had our baby boy. And, till date I have never been to any window shopping specially for my baby needs and products. Products here in Firstcry.com are so good and trustworthy that I could not ask for anything better. From diaper to party wear, from baby food to toys for all age, you will find everything here.
Coming to price, all the items from top to bottom as per my baby are available here at a very reasonable price. Specially these in-house brands like Zero and babyhug, they are my favorite. I would recommend Firstcry.com to everyone with a baby. They sell everything for babies upto 8 years I suppose. I am very happy that they also have real shops/outlets as well, and all there schemes and products are available there as well.
One thing I dislike about them or seeks an improvement is there app. Its very slow and laggy. I find myself in a mess whenever I have to go back to my wish-list or my cart. It always stops and I have to kill it all for ever and restart everything.
I wish they will come up with a better app and more user friendly interface, rest everything is good infact best.
And guys those of you who are not about Firstcry.com, let me assure you its a Mahindra venture and to me I can always trust that name blindly, even in dark.