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Faultless Starch
Jul 13, 2010 02:49 PM 12288 Views
(Updated Jul 13, 2010 03:10 PM)

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Clothing is one of the basic needs but it defines a person as well. For me, clothing mostly confines to cotton clothes. They can be labeled or not, as far as they are cottons I am absolutely ok with them.

My eternal love for cotton clothes was developed because of the comfort they provide. They breathe, they soothe the skin, ensures no rashes or skin allergies. Apart from these, I am not able to find any other texture so graceful. Cotton gives a grace which no other fabric can give.

Respect the clothes and they will earn it back for u. But every good thing comes with a price. So is cotton. Maintaining cotton is a big task in itself.

It mainly includes the starching part, which is very excruciating.

A few years back making a starch was a huge task, putting the starch mix in boiling hot water, stirring it so that no lumps are formed, then dipping clothes in piping hot starch, squeezing equally hot cloth with hands and putting it in sun so that crisp cotton can be obtained.

Thankfully we were blessed with revive a few years back and the lot many problems were solved. But again, with revive, the uneven starch, dependency on sun are still my struggling issues.

Finally I saw, Faultless, a starch spray. Just spray and iron. And a perfectly starched dress is immediately ready to wear.

Faultless, is a brand name of an American company, established in 1883. I located the product in hypercity. It comes under two categories

1.normal starch

2.heavy starch

Normal starch is suitable for an overall smooth effect. It helps to give a neat look to the cloth without showing much starchy effects. Suitable for formal cotton shirts and moderate textured cotton.

Heavy starchgives a typical starched cloth looks to the fabric. It brings the stiffness and shine, along with the neat effect. It is Ideal for pure cotton Kurtas, Sarees, Suits and thin textured cotton.

Faultless is a starch in form of spray. Just like a deodorant can, we need to spray and iron it. It gives a very neat and crispy look. A shine is added to the cloth. Overall, it brings the pleasant looks. If you need more stiffness, just spray once more to get the desired results.

Whether a cotton shirt or a suit, it works fine with me. Even works on a mix blend.

At times when a polished saree is kept for long, it absorbs moisture and is not crisp anymore, a spray and ironing does wonders.

How to Use

1.Spray from a distance, to ensure even spraying and covering a larger area

  1. After spraying wait for some time, allow the fabric to absorb the starch, and then iron it. it will ensure a uniform starching, with no patch marks on the dress.


1.After use, do wipe the nozzle with a damp cloth, or soak the nozzle in warm water and then wipe it or else the starch will block the nozzle, and might not be useful anymore.

2.Keep the lid in place, after use; a loose lid might again lead to drying up the nozzle and blocking the passage.


1.easy to use dependency on sun

3.instant results

4.uniform starching, as desired.


1.non availability at all the places

2.Not practical if you are starching bulk of cotton clothes, revive is much better option in that case.

In general, there are quite a few brands available in market and are equally good. It ranges between Rs100 to Rs 145 INR for approximately 500 – 600 ml. For me it lasts for few months, so it is worth the price I pay for.


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Faultless Starch Spray