Jan 05, 2016 11:36 PM
I am using face book almost three years. I do have several groups in my list I do regularly post most of the groups more than 30+ groups. Since then I dont have any issues in posting, but recently I noticed facebook is not allowing multiple groups if I post more than 8 groups my account going to be restricted mode and can not post for next 7 days are later and it it depends.
I do have couple of new friends they post I FB groups. If they are new it request for security check either enter phone number or identify friends
Its hard to identify if I have move than 100 friends.
Facebook is literally looking for paid post I never buy any FB ads. Instead of that I use Other great social sites.
If this continues I do exit from FB and use tweet, instagram or tumbler.
Yes FB is now number one social network if this continues FB loose most of the users will every one look alternative.
Beaware posting on multiple groups