Mar 10, 2016 06:41 PM
Like many delhi-born, I have been bred on Parathas. All these years, I have enjoyed variety of Parathas- of all shape and sizes. But, many times, I venture out of home and enjoy eating outside. Well, being a vegetarian, I have my own likes and dislikes.
So, when a friend asked me to join him to Faasos, I was litle apprehensive. Afterall, it is never my idea to enjoy food at some known eatery. But, he persisted and I gave in. The moment, I entered this shop( not an eatery); I realized that it is parathas selling shop.
Yes, it sells Parathas of all variety as wraps. This shop is part of a food chain- Pune, Mumbai, . Bengaluru and so on.
It sells, vegetarian and non vegetarian wraps with tangy chutney or sauce.
Yes, it is quite affordable. My friend paid Rs 160 for two wraps. No, you can seat here and it is meant for takeaway meal.
Yes, you can also order online or phone.
I am impressed with its quick delivery mechanism.
So, my vote goes to Faasos!