Feb 27, 2004 12:49 PM
(Updated Feb 27, 2004 12:51 PM)
Below is the letter I sent to Dishnet in response to their demand for Rs.2568/- , one year after I had stopped using their service. As usual I did not receive any response for this letter too!
Ref: Your Letter dated 22 July 2003
Dear Mr./Ms. Authorized Signatory,
We had approached Dishnet DSL in October 2002 and informed you that we were shifting our office from Anna Nagar to Mahalingapuram. After many phone calls and equal number of letters sent to your office we did not receive ONE responsible reply. Finally someone at your office informed us that that it would cost Rs.5000/- to shift the connection and could not give us a commitment on how long the shift would take. This was no surprise to us as we have never ever managed to get a commitment of any sort from Dishnet at any point of time.
Given our bad experience with Dishnet DSL?s pathetic service we did not want to continue with it foregoing another Rs.5000/-. As you know we had already invested Rs.30000/- on this crappy service. Therefore we wrote to Dishnet terminating the service. However, as is always the case, we later found that Dishnet had unfortunately not received the letter.
This has been the case with almost all communication sent to Dishnet. I?m glad and amused to have received this letter after nearly one year after we stopped using your service informing us that you would ?terminate? the service ?if we?re not interested?. Obviously we?re not! We have used and found Touchtel?s service to be far superior and are very happy with it. At least they pick up calls and give responsible answers instead of connecting all customers calls to some stupid music.
More importantly they don?t have problems like cable fault, lack of power, lack of manpower and the funniest of them all ? lack of fuel for their generators. Jokes apart, these are some of the funny/irritating excuses that we got from ?Customer Care Executives? at Dishnet when we were using your service.
With regard to your letter: 1.Please let me know what this due of Rs.2568/- is all about?
2.What happened to the Rs.30000/- that we paid initially? I thought that included the price of the modem given to us. But since you are now asking for it seems like we had misunderstood. Anyway I don?t think there is much use for that piece of ?equipment?- if you can call it that. Please clarify. On receipt of a proper reply to our queries from a responsible person at Dishnet (hard to find I know!!) you will receive a check for the amount due, if any and the modem. Regards,
This letter was sent to Dishnet on Tuesday, July 29, 2003. I still have not heard from them. They send me monthly reminders for the payment due though!