Feb 12, 2018 12:10 AM
O2 Optix contacts are the lenses my eyes will endure and that is okay by me since I adore them!
O2 contacts were prescribed to me since they let more air in and let my eyes relax! O2 Optix is anything
but difficult to put in, don't flip and are so agreeable. I wear them 12 hours also, some days any longer
than that! I've attempted a couple of different lenses since my daughter is an eye care business and was
utilizing me as his scapegoat. however, I couldn't endure the switch for even a day since alternate lenses
felt lumpy, extremely awkward and shoddy. In the past, I have had minor papillary conjunctivitis and
with the O2 Optix lenses, the aggravation is essentially non-existent. O2 Optix is awesome lenses.
Lens.com gave incredible incite administration and I will arrange from them once more, assuredly.