Sep 02, 2024 10:21 PM
(Updated Sep 02, 2024 10:23 PM)
CB GROWTH PRIVATE LIMITED is working closely with to enhance customer satisfaction.
If you want to cancel your booking even for any genuine reason(say, a medical emergency) and that too 10 days before the intended journey date, Cab Bazar forfeits the entire advance paid by you. It is a mercenary business. All that the call centre Executive will say is'It is as per policy' and will keep repeating the same without like a robot.
By the way, if you are booking for travel from State A to State B, Cab Bazar may even assign you a car from State C. And the driver will demand that you need to the State Permit Tax. Why should Cab Bazar assign a driver from State C when the travel is from State A to State B and why should it allow its drivers to charge the customer for the State Permit if they do not have National Permit for their cars? OVERALL BEWARE WHEN YOU ARE DEALING WITH CAB BAZAR.