May 12, 2017 03:14 PM
(Updated May 13, 2017 03:42 AM)
Being a Govt. Sector company BSNL is working in the style of Govt Departments.
Late attending of customer complaints.No Immediate response for customer queries.
Fluctuating network speeds. Slow network. Moderate rates. No special offers. BSNL has not been complete satisfactory.,among their clients. There is lot more to be improved in the field of data connection .
Besides this some are good experiences. The network will be available some times even in jungle areas, ghats areas, and even in small villages, where no other network will be in reach. Sometimes it has been at the top for its offers of net and tariff plans. The problem is that BSNL has only 2G and 3G services. But there is a good offer plan of 333Rs. for 90 days of unlimited data.
And now a days it has reduced it's charges much.