Dec 17, 2015 03:46 PM
Normally, I hate biscuits, chips and other such fad foods. You never really know what goes into its making, but you always get addicted to it, you cant eat just one. The model is deceptively attractive; although she wears an abundance of make-up, I fear she is mind-bogglingly beautiful underneath.
But Britannia 50-50 Maska Chaska, is it just a biscuit? I am not talking about the normal variety, which I feel is a blind but pathetic imitation of the age-old Parle Krackjack. . I crave the 50-50. do not be fooled by its green speckled counterpart. It's a tricky one! the silver all the way. . I am referring to the green variety, which is a lot better innovation from the Britannia family. It comes in a silver and green glistening wrap. A pack contains some 20 or so biscuits. Great tasty biscuit, highly addictive, but not recommended to indulge on a daily basis.