Mar 18, 2016 03:34 PM
I like eating Biryani and have tasted it at various spots. One of my mates told about this joint so I went there. I asked for chicken Biryani pretty much as I was inaccessible from other people. Demand came after 20 mins. Nature of Biryani was not excessively awesome yet rather it was attractive.
I could sense the Chicken was not new. Sum was all that anybody could requirement for a lone person. I have taste finger lickering Chicken at various spots in this way conversely with them it was more awful than normal. I could make sense of how to eat it, as it was not that ghastly. The spot is agreeable yet hygienic with attractive staff for the organization. The spot has lovely inner parts and having incredible breadth of Biryani and distinctive snacks with sensible expense for Biryani accomplices