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Attitude is the window
Aug 17, 2023 02:29 PM 415 Views (via Mobile)



In psychology, an attitude refers to a set of emotions, beliefs, and behaviours toward a particular object, person, thing, or event. The author in his book, “Attitude is Everything” provides a wider framework on setting up the right beliefs though Thinking: as Success begins in the mind and focusing on the power of attitude and belief shapes our destiny. Changing the emotions though Speaking: Our attitude is reflected in the words and use of positive language and words will propel to reach the set goals. Acting on the beliefs and behaviours needs actions through a plan, and commitment to these will lead to success. Similar lines of PDCA (Plan, Do, Check & Act) of Deming cycle.

The book is categorized into three parts.

Part I: Success Begins in the Mind

Part II: Watch your words.

Part III: Heavens Help Those Who Act

Our emotions are based on the circumstances and these emotions trigger a mental filter through which we experience positive or negative in this world. These emotions can be positive or negative brings the consequences of optimism or pessimism on the goals we set. Our attitude is the window to the world as we can’t always control the circumstances, but we can control our thoughts.

Dominant thoughts rule the day: There is a power within each of us that propels us in the direction of our current dominant thoughts. Our beliefs brought us to where we are today, and our thinking from this point forward will take us to where we want to be in future. If our thoughts don’t change, our results wont change.

Visualization: We create mental images of what we want to achieve, these pictures in our mind are not fulfilled overnight. But, by being patient and by persistently focusing on the mental images, we will be automatically start changing our patterns of thoughts and beliefs that will support our vision. Visualization needs to be followed by Commitment, that can move mountains. Making commitment to accomplish a goal, we can overcome temporary defeats.

Adversity are blessings in disguise: In the journey of optimism, we need to overcome hardships or hurdles. However, adversity provides us different perspective to reflect; it also teaches us to be grateful, more over adversity brings our hidden potential. Adversity encourages us to make changes and take actions and adversity opens a new door. In times of crisis, always strive to maintain an optimistic attitude and an open mind.

Choose words that will point you in the directions of your goals. It’s up to us to speak in a way that will move us towards what we want to achieve in life. Therefore, use words that are consistent with the path we truly wish to be on… Stop Complaining: Nobody wants to hear about our aches and pains. The secret of happiness is to count your blessings while others adding up their troubles. Complaints work against us in three ways.

First – No one wants to hear negative news.

Second – Complaining reinforces our own pain and discomfort.

Third – Complaining accomplishes nothing and diverts us from the constructive actions.

To overcome the complaining & nagging attitude, we need to surrounded or associated with Positive People. Surrounding ourselves with positive, nourishing people – will lift us up the ladder of success and aid in confronting the fears, in developing our potential that we will never regret!

Networks are built over time; great networking will begin reaping the big rewards.


This book provides valuable lessons and real-life stories on positive attitude and mental window. With our busy schedules and exigencies in and around, this book has the potential to be the refresher and introspect our thoughts, beliefs, and actions on attitude to navigate inside our "comfort zone, " and then change your inner circumstances to achieve more.


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Attitude Is Everything - Keller Jeff