Jul 23, 2017 12:13 AM
This is supposed to be the bigger step forward in tick-tock of apple releases 6, 6s, 7, 7s this is still definitely a very familiar and very incremental upgrade to the previous iPhone again it's a familiar iPhone name rectangle with the rounded corners for the design same big forehead and chin with the home button same seamless unibody metal industrial design again and same scrolling pages of icons for IOS so at its core it's super easy to get used to especially when you're coming from another iPhone just to pick up an iPhone 7.
But that being said there are plenty of little things and plenty of refinements that all add up to make a much better phone than you had last year so on the outside the improvements are more minor you know a little design tweaks from last year the antenna bands are gone and the back looks a little bit cleaner but it's definitely still an iPhone there is no mistaking that so if you want to mess with the design a little bit more you can maybe put a skin on it but this design as still it may seem is iconic and very familiar so we still have some of the biggest bezels.
So you can still have that home button for at least one more year and speaking of the home button it's now not a physical button anymore but it's more of like a force touch trackpad it doesn't actually move it's just a still piece of glass but it's pressure sensitive so when you press it it works then the taptic motor makes a click and it makes it feel like you're pressing a button and it's really convincing I'd say it's really easy to get used to it to be weird when you're like pushing on a table and you know it doesn't really work with gloves but i'm a hundred percent used to it now i'm actually totally closed this home button I should also mention I think touch id is at the holy grail where it's like no-brainer whether you should use it or not.
You said once right way you get your phone and it's faster and more secure than typing in a password every single time so I like touch id a lot anyway aside from just the home button this is the second generation of the iPhone with 3D touch but I don't really use it that much I mean it's definitely built into more apps and their shortcuts on the homescreen and even in the apps themselves but yeah I just don't really use it that much one thing.
I do have to say though is something the iPhone doesn't get enough credit for the iPhone has the best vibration motor in any smartphone period I'm talking about the taptic engine like the phone literally feels like it's tapping you on the wrist or in your pocket or in your hand when you get a notification it's awesome so I love the taptic engine it's really good and apple clearly knows this because they're using it in way more parts of ios animation now so like the notification shade bouncing off the bottom of the screen that type of thing or control centre bouncing up we're really just any bouncing anywhere in ios it always clicks.
So this phone feels like it's bouncing anyway one of the biggest changes outside is it's now officially a waterproof phone so the iPhone 7 is ip6 rated which means you don't have to worry about dropping it in or near water anymore and you can just take underwater photos and videos if you want basically the phone should survive water exposure now but other than that you know the display on iphone 7 are still pretty good you know nothing crazy or amazing still has great color reproduction but the one thing that's killing me it's not just me it comes with people obviously about the outside of the phone is lack of a headphone jack basically apple is clearly aiming of an entirely port'less wireless iPhone in their future.
So in that process, they're removing the headphone jack and starting to push wireless audio super forward thinking yes super a pain. now camera on this device is new you can see the different housing there's new sensor and new glass and you might remember from the smartphone awards this camera is already one of the best it takes great photos and great 4K videos I think it might get the title of best low light photo camera back it was kind of close with samsung but the image processing from apple has always been excellent autofocus is also extremely fast and daytime photos look pretty damn good too but it's by far the best video camera in any smartphone . seriously the 4K video from the sensor with the optical image stabilization and the big wide open aperture honestly sometimes you can't tell the difference from like a real dedicated mirrorless camera footage it's that good get a little depth of field going I mean it's awesome.
Now on the inside all you need to know that's changed is the chip the A10 vision chip is fantastic and it's gone and I'm pretty comfortable calling this the most responsive phone every like this is something apple does really well since they control both all the hardware and all the software so no phone is as much as one to one responsive to the touch if your finger as fresh iPhone I'd say the google pixel coes closet right now and then may be the oneplus 3T right after that and generally stock android phones but the smoothness and high frames rates of animations are the most consistent on the iphone 7 and that's something I really like and it's something you'll like every single day you're using the phone overall performance is awesome through multitasking and everyday use and gaming and navigation and all kinds of stuff and the battery life to go with that is also about the same as last year which is to say pretty good but not great so the iPhone 7 has ok battery and decent standby time while the bigger iphone 7 plus.
I'd recommend has pretty good battery with excellent standby time also fun fact this year apple made the iphone the same dimension and included a bigger battery instead of making it smaller with the same sized battery thank you apple keep doing that please I really don't need it to be thinner but that is pretty much what's good with the new iPhone lots of little upsides lots of little improvements with the hardware on the outside and on the inside my biggest complaints would be that they went with lighting over USB Type C again although I would totally expect them to keep doing that and as I went with no headphone jack instead of a headphones jack.
At the end of the day iPhone 7 has a lot that's new with it but obviously it's still a very familiar incremental upgrade just like previous iPhones has been and that's kind of the point that's not bad thing that's a great reason to buy this phone especially if you are coming from the previous generation.