Aug 24, 2022 01:30 PM
(Updated Aug 26, 2022 11:37 AM)
Ameet Parekh Coaching Cares
Ameet Parekh Coaching is working closely with to enhance customer satisfaction.
Ameet parekh is a Cheater and Fraud Coach .This is a 3 person team and all other coach are free lancers. You will pay more then 6 lakh and will get only one call for 1and holf hour in a month. No Hand Holding, No guidance, No phone support, No email support, No office, No phone number on his website. So beware . This is a fraud nexus .Just misleading through highly paid facebook and youtube marketing . Any body want full review contact me 9756947786 .
He will send you some google found formate and will give you some prerecorded videos and then in whole 2 year course you will not be able to contact them by any means. YOu can check as there is no phone number on his website.
I am going to suit a case againt him do what ever to get my full money refund.
Ameet parekh is not a certified business coach. He had a paid interview and some paid photo session with fail bolywood acctress like malaika arora and on behalf of these fraud pictures he is trying to create a fake repo.
On mothshut and some other plateforms you will also found some 5 start rating for him which are also fake and generated by ameet parikh team on paid basis . you can call any 5 star giving person and I guarantee you will not find even a single person original.
So beware.