Mar 18, 2016 05:46 PM
Airtel should stop boasting their 4G Network speed which nowadays is claimed to work even in himalayaas. First they should check whether it is working in the cities. I had bought the 4G Connection in vadodra. Even though the connection of 3G used to be excellent in fatehgunj, nizampua area, the 4g is not at all consistent. You can say it is fine at some time in the day but most of the time it is almost you are using the 3G Connection.
I start the you tube connection anytime in the day and it will play at the lowest resolution available which should not be the case if it was 4G. I only saw very few instances where 480p song or above song was played. regardin the download maximum speed I have observed is around 0.35MBps much lesser than expected which too get too 50Kbps