Feb 27, 2018 03:12 PM
I am using this ACt service recentely . My CA ID NO IS 69838810666, Mac ID NO IS 2062848362 . This act service is not so good . Some times it is really worst . The customer care service no is also always busy so I am getting irritated to complaint . The channels are available 1000 but nearly only 300 channels are receiving . Variety of programms are not conducted and my kids are liked kushi cartoon channel but it's not coming in this act set up box . In the weather cloudy the channels are not giving clarity . It's have only a little bit of entertainment for watching movies in the act movies channel and in the act gold channel they shows very old movies I am not interested that kind of old movies, in act music channel too worst music only some times they played good music . Sound reception is good .They doesn't conducted anchors or host programmes . While playing movies in the act they giving only one or two adds between the movies and they giving adds of serials eenadu and geminin channels .