Mar 11, 2016 08:53 AM
Now, I have watched many movies on hostage crisis . I have also watched a number of english movies on middle east; But, I enjoyed this movie for its story as I find good stories as crux of a good movie. It has a very interesting plot.
Its film maker makes us believe that when in acute emergency; powerful nations often keep their cards close to heart.
Well, as its title suggests, a small but secret group of US soldiers are always willing to stake their lives for their countrymen.
It also reminds me of sacrifice of our Indian soldiers, who toil hard to keep us safe.
As a popular saying going, a soldier(like other professionals) never retires till his/ her end.
I am much moved by its visuals.
This movie has some very powerful shots. Take for the instance, the scene that depicts direct attack on embassy and ambassador.
Without mincing words, its strong story and powerful acting by its cast really made an impact on me.
So, I am going to watch it again!